Auditorium Remodel Phase II

Currently, DBC is in the middle of a capital campaign to fund a remodel of the current church auditorium. A total of $38,215.62 has currently been collected and $11,784.38 must still be collected in order to fund the project this upcoming summer.

What will be included in this project?

  • The current stage will be extended and enhanced with a new air return system and AV lines and boxes being installed.
  • Window treatments and carpet will be purchased.
  • The current pews will be removed and replaced with new auditorium chairs that will add seating density to the current space and enhance flexibility for ministry opportunities.
  • A smooth wall surface will be added to the existing block walls.
  • The auditorium will be repainted,
  • A new modesty panel and several other aesthetics will be purchased to complete the project.

How can I give towards this project?

  • Give online by clicking here. Make sure to designate your gift for Auditorium Remodel.
  • Give by cash or check by marking your designated envelope or check with Auditorium Remodel in the memo.
All gifts given are tax deductible. 

Total Given: $38,215.62


Total Needed:$11,784.38

It’s estimated that if every church family gives a total of $120 above and beyond their regular offering to this project we will have more than enough to complete the project this upcoming summer. 

Deadline: 3/26/17

Before & After Shots of a Similar Auditorium Remodel

(Photos courtsey of The McKnight Group)