New Service Times

Beginning January 6, 2018, Delaware Bible Church will transition to a two service format on Sunday morning with worship services being held at 9:00 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. You can view a handout that was recently shared at a church informational meeting  about these changes by clicking here. A live stream of the majority of the meeting can be found by clicking here. If you’re a regular attender at DBC and haven’t already, we strongly encourage one member of your family to let us know what service your family plans on attending by clicking here. The survey takes about two minutes and your participation in completing the survey helps us effectively plan!

Why two services now?

  • We have a wonderful problem! The Lord has blessed us with so many people coming to DBC that we no longer can fit them all comfortably into one service.
  • Currently our Auditorium holds 354 chairs. Our average attendance (aside from our three largest- and three least-attended services this year) is 405. If we were to close the overflow seating we are currently offering, we likely would not have enough seats for everyone to sit in the Auditorium. This isn’t including the kids who currently aren’t sitting in the worship service.
  • After the Elders voted to no longer have the 8:00 a.m. service, it was determined that once overflow seating was continuously being filled up, we would again need to have two services.
  • The rule of thumb given by most church seating professionals is that once the Auditorium is 80% full, visitors will no longer feel that they are welcome or have a place in the church.

How can I help make this transition successful?

  • Buy in! Remember, we are making these changes so that we can more effectively minister to and make things comfortable for those who come and join us from the community!
  • Determine which service (9:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m.) better meets the needs of you and your family—and then faithfully attend that service.
  • Consider whether you can serve in any of the ministry needs listed on the document linked to above. If you can, contact the appropriate ministry leader as soon as possible.
  • If you have no preference between worship services, consider faithfully attending the 9:00 a.m. service to help evenly distribute the two services.